Tornado Warning! (From God)   The news is always bustling with something, is it not? There are protests and riots, wars and rumors of war, a lack of peace and a famine of rest. It sort of reminds me of how the wind might kick up every now and then right before a bad storm. There IS a real bad storm coming, and the natural atmosphere of the earth has nothing to do with it. Read More  Hear the message as delivered in 2014 View Part 1 in video View Part 2 in video
Published 021821 - Keywords: whirlwind, Apocalypse, Great Tribulation, The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, devastation, wicked, sin, transgression, iniquity, return of Christ, Messiah, destiny, decision, direction, M325 || #whirlwind #Apocalypse #GreatTribulation #TheTimeOfJacob'sTrouble #devastation #wicked #sin #transgression #iniquity #returnofChrist #Messiah #destiny #decision #direction #M325

More Holy Bible Treasure articles . . .

A Little-known Element For Endurance In Marriage    If asked, most married people would say they got married because they loved the other person. In English, the term "love" is very over-used, being applied to a wide range of situations including, but not limited to, a warm attachment, devotion, or enthusiasm; admiration or benevolence; dedication; marital commitment; and copulation. Read More
Published in 2017 - Keywords: love, agape, agapao, phileo, eros, foundation, unconditional, dating, pressure, ALKEFEIM || #love #agape #agapao #phileo #eros #foundation #unconditional #dating #pressure #ALKEFEIM

Futuristic Holy Bible Prophecy At A Glance    Basically, God-ordained prophecy expresses the plans and purposes of God. There are times it might just deal with only a present situation. However, in this article we are looking at futuristic Holy Bible prophecy that will generally affect the whole earth. Read More
Published 021721 - Keywords: future, prophecy, Antichrist, rapture, Great Tribulation, Millennial Reign Of Christ, judgment, White Throne Judgment, new heavens and earth, New Jerusalem, Armageddon, unity, FHBPAG || #future #prophecy #Antichrist #rapture #GreatTribulation #MillennialReignOfChrist #judgment #WhiteThroneJudgment #NewHeavensAndEarth #NewJerusalem #Armageddon #unity #FHBPAG

Develop Godly Spiritual Discernment -- message (sermon) notes    In these spiritually treacherous times, teaching on, and development of, godly spiritual discernment is needed more than ever before! The life of Jacob is indicative of the lives of many Christians and will be very helpful for anyone in learning how to develop spiritual discernment. We will be covering selected passages from Genesis, beginning with Genesis 27:6-7. Read More Hear The Message
Published 030319 - Keywords: spirit realm, spiritual realm, presence of God, obedience, sin, Jacob, Israel, Spirit led, bless, blessing, prophetic, prophecy, Esau, false prophets, false apostles, demons, angels, watchers, Word of God, Holy Bible, Holy Scriptures, surrendered to God, meek, meekness, M532SN || #spiritrealm #spiritualrealm #presenceofGod #obedience #sin #Jacob #Israel #Spiritled #bless #blessing #prophetic #prophecy #Esau #falseprophets #falseapostles #demons #angels #watchers #WordofGod #HolyBible #HolyScriptures #surrenderedtoGod #meek #meekness #M532SN

The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit by Brother Hobart Grazier    Since graduation from Northeast Bible Institute (NBI) I have had the class handout notes on 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 14 by brother Hobart Grazier who was the Greek professor at NBI. I have placed online the portion of those notes that deal specifically with the classification and his definition of each of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit . . . Read More
Published 140119 - Keywords: Hobart Grazier, tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, discerning of spirits, miracles, healings, faith, knowledge, wisdom, charisma, charismatta, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Macinta Ministries, HG1Co12GOHS || #HobartGrazier #tongues #interpretationoftongues #speakingintongues #prophecy #discerningofspirits #miracles #healings #faith #knowledge #wisdom #charisma #charismatta #Pentecostal #Charismatic #MacintaMinistries #HG1Co12GOHS

Words Of Life From The Not Really Dead    One day the Sadducees, a Jewish sect that did not believe there would be a resurrection of all the dead, tried what they thought was a trick question on Jesus the Messiah regarding the deceased. After rebuking them for not knowing the power of God nor the Holy Scriptures He pointed out to them . . . Read More
Published 231018 - Keywords: stand firm, firmly stand, rejoice, endure, persecution, endurance, power of God, take a stand, Reformation, Reformation Day, Leonard Bernkop, Catharine, Anna of Frieburg, drown, drowned, burned at the stake, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, persecutions, praise, worship, praising, worshiping, power, Martyrs Mirror, 2016 General Election, primary, primaries, spirit of delusion, M426 || #standfirm #firmlystand #rejoice #endure #persecution #endurance #powerofGod #takeastand #Reformation #ReformationDay #LeonardBernkop #Catharine #AnnaofFrieburg #drown #drowned #burnedatthestake #HillaryClinton #DonaldTrump #persecutions #praise #worship #praising #worshiping #power #MartyrsMirror #2016GeneralElection #primary #primaries #spiritofdelusion #M426

God's Mother of Pearl    After God led me to preach a message on Matthew 7:6, He directed me to do a follow-up message based on the substance He uses to create a pearl: nacre or otherwise known as mother of pearl. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 230918 - Main Keywords: grace of God, thorn in the flesh, trouble, ability, strength, weakness, strong, weak, ask, asking, hear, hearing, prayer, praying, prayerful, prayerfulness, trials, troubles, testing, Apostle Paul, M8 || #graceofGod #thornintheflesh #trouble #ability #strength #weakness #strong #weak #ask #asking #hear #hearing #prayer #praying #prayerful #prayerfulness #trials #troubles #testing #ApostlePaul #M8

Dynamic Powers Of God’s Word -- Part 2    Let us again look at Psalm 19, and this time verses 9 and 10 where we will not only find four more dynamic powers of the Holy Bible, but also a few surprises. We will also see the power that activates the other powers. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 020918 - Main Keywords: fear of God, fear of the LORD, judgment, judgments, endurance, enforcement, enrichment, empowerment, clean, pure, enduring, eternity, true and righteous, gold, honey, honeycomb, desirable, desire, desire, sweetness, sweeter, tree of knowledge of good and evil, Eve, Adam, M514 || #fearofGod #fearoftheLORD #judgment #judgments #endurance #enforcement #enrichment #empowerment #clean #pure #enduring #eternity #trueandrighteous #gold #honey #honeycomb #desirable #desire #desire #sweetness #sweeter #treeofknowledgeofgoodandevil #Eve #Adam #M514

Dynamic Powers Of God’s Word -- Part 1    The Word of God, the Holy Bible, is greatly neglected today, or poisoned by inaccurate translations, or muddled by erroneous teaching. Nonetheless, the Word of God remains true and when coupled with the Holy Spirit, one who is truly regenerated and yielded to God will find its powers unleashed in their life to the glory of God. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 270818 - Main Keywords: Word Of God, Holy Bible, Scriptures, law of God, commandment, testimony, enlightenment, conversion, restoration, converting, restoring, soul, person, law, perfect, perfection, sure, firm, reliable, wise, simple, Adam, Eve, deceived, deception, satan, serpent, prosper, prosperity gospel, statutes, statute, right, straight, plumb line, cornerstone, rejoicing, rejoice, free from care, heart, spirit, body, pure, purity, enlightening, eyes, darkness, YHVH, Jehovah, I AM THAT I AM, M513 | #WordOfGod #HolyBible #Scriptures #lawofGod #commandment #testimony #enlightenment #conversion #restoration #converting #restoring #soul #person #law #perfect #perfection #sure #firm #reliable #wise #simple #Adam #Eve #deceived #deception #satan #serpent #prosper #prosperitygospel #statutes #statute #right #straight #plumbline #cornerstone #rejoicing #rejoice #freefromcare #heart #spirit #body #pure #purity #enlightening #eyes #darkness #YHVH #Jehovah #IAMTHATIAM #M513

Mercy For Marriage    Many denominations and fellowships teach that divorce, and remarriage after divorce, is permitted by Jesus Christ. Did He? Let us go to the Word of God, permitting His Spirit to speak to us. Read More
Published 180818 - Main Keywords: marry, mercy, forgive, forgiving, forgiveness, merciful, Jesus Christ, Moses, divorce, divorcement, remarriage, husband, wife, one flesh, marriage, M50 | #marry #mercy #forgive #forgiving #forgiveness #merciful #JesusChrist #Moses #divorce #divorcement #remarriage #husband #wife #oneflesh #marriage #M50

Evacuation Route From Hell    In John‭ ‬3:18‭ ‬Christ brings out the somber fact that all who are not surrendered to Him are already condemned.‭ ‬God wants no one to go to Hell,‭ ‬so He has made provision in Christ that we do not have to go there. Read More
Published 040818 - Main Keywords: life,‭ ‬upward,‭ ‬wise,‭ ‬escape,‭ ‬Hell,‭ ‬entrapment,‭ ‬sin,‭ ‬bondage,‭ ‬damn,‭ ‬damned,‭ ‬damnation,‭ ‬Lake Of Fire,‭ ‬death,‭ ‬second death, M258 | #life #‬upward #‬wise #‬escape #‬Hell #‬entrapment #‬sin #‬bondage #‬damn #‬damned #‬damnation #‬LakeOfFire #‬death #‬seconddeath #M258

From Knowledge To Power    The Holy Scriptures brilliantly bristle with truth on many levels. Find out about the deeper meanings of Mounts Tabor and Hermon, along with a few more shimmering facets in a portion of Psalm 89! Read More
Published 040818 - Main Keywords: pleasing God, hearing God’s voice, sovereignty of God, sovereign, attributes of God, qualities of God, Name of God, grow, growing, show, showing, know, knowing, knowledge, power, authority, obey, obedience, peace, M64 | #pleasingGod #hearingGodsvoice #sovereigntyofGod #sovereign #attributesofGod #qualitiesofGod #NameofGod #grow #growing #show #showing #know #knowing #knowledge #power #authority #obey #obedience #peace #M64

Weighing Your Love For Christ    Christ said,‭ ‬as recorded in Luke‭ ‬7:47,‭ "‬.‭ ‬. .‭ ‬her sins,‭ ‬which are many,‭ ‬have been forgiven,‭ ‬for she loved much‭; ‬but he who is forgiven little, loves little.”‭ ‬Does that mean one who was saved by Christ from a life of what we would call hideous sins loves Him more than someone of a less despicable past‭? Read More
Published 270718 - Main Keywords: forgiveness,‭ ‬forgiven,‭ ‬sin,‭ ‬sins,‭ ‬sinner,‭ ‬sinful woman,‭ ‬Christ,‭ ‬cross,‭ ‬God,‭ ‬hair,‭ ‬Jesus,‭ ‬love,‭ ‬price,‭ ‬weep,‭ ‬weeping,‭ ‬wipes,‭ ‬punished,‭ ‬punishment,‭ ‬penalty,‭ ‬wrath of God,‭ ‬wrath of the Father, WYLFC0718 | #forgiveness #‬forgiven #‬sin #‬sins #‬sinner #‬sinfulwoman #‬Christ #‬cross #‬God #‬hair #‬Jesus #‬love #‬price #‬weep #‬weeping #‬wipes #‬punished #‬punishment #‬penalty #‬wrathofGod #‬wrathoftheFather #WYLFC0718

The Double Love Of God    We hear much about the love of God.‭ We hear so much about it that,‭ ‬unless a preacher or teacher outright says it, one could very well think that almost everyone gets to heaven because, after all, God loves them. However, quite often something is missing from the teachings and sermons we hear. Read More
Published 190718 - Main Keywords: agape,‭ ‬phileo,‭ ‬selflessness,‭ ‬will,‭ ‬emotion, grace, DLOG180 | #agape #‬phileo #‬selflessness #‬will #‬emotion #grace #DLOG180

Guard Your Pearls!    While the usual teaching on Matthew 7:6 is that one should not share sacred occurrences with others that might not be able to understand what we are saying, I feel led in this message to present to you a deeper meaning that will guard your spiritual growth, and perhaps even your salvation, if you are truly saved in Christ. Read More
Published 050718 - Main Keywords: grace, grace of God, trials, trouble, trusting Christ, problems, advice, unsaved, unspiritual, troubles, trial,problem, nacre, mother of pearl, irritant, irritants, parasite, parasites, M2 | #grace #graceofGod #trials #trouble #trustingChrist #problems #advice #unsaved #unspiritual #troubles #trial #problem #nacre #motherofpearl #irritant #irritants #parasite #parasites #M2

Strengthen A Foundation Of Marriage: The Vow    Decades ago, when a couple exchanged matrimonial vows it meant something in many of their minds. Sadly, it is much different today, but there are things we can do to reverse this trend. Read More
Published 010718 - Main Keywords: matrimony, divorce, divorce and remarriage, vows, husband, wife, death, grace, Assemblies of God, AOG, Christ, family, Genesis, man, Moses, remarriage, values, woman, Word of God, one flesh, harlot, whore, SFMV1806 | #matrimony #divorce #divorce&remarriage #vows #husband #wife #death #grace #AssembliesofGod #AOG #Christ #family #Genesis #man #Moses #remarriage #values #woman #WordofGod #oneflesh #harlot #whore #SFMV1806

Be The Father’s Prophetic Messenger Of Mercy    One of Isaiah’s first prophetic utterances involved one of his sons. And though the prophecy was mainly directed at the kingdom of Judah, how and where Isaiah was commanded by God to prophesy holds a precious message for each person that reads this article, no matter who they are or what they have done. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 150618 - Main Keywords: Fathers, Fathers Day, prophets, mercy, salvation, remnant, cleansing, Israel, prophetic imagery, testimony, cleanse, cleansing, washing of regeneration, Word of God, Immanuel, Jesus, millennial reign, M504 | #Fathers #FathersDay #prophets #mercy #salvation #remnant #cleansing #Israel #prophetic imagery #testimony #cleanse #cleansing #WordOfGod

Prayer: A Basic Element Of Christianity    Here is Lesson 5 in our FREE online course of Basic Elements Of Christianity (BEC)! Prayer
Published 090618 - Main Keywords: fellowship, communication, pray without ceasing, intercession, intercede, listening, voice of God, prayers, praying, supplication, supplications, BEC18Prayer | #fellowship #communication #praywithoutceasing #intercession #intercede #listening #voiceofGod #prayers #praying #supplication #supplications #BEC18Prayer

Worship: A Basic Element Of Christianity    This article is the online version of Lesson 4 in our FREE online course of Basic Elements Of Christianity (BEC)! Worship
Published 020618 - Main Keywords: praise, adoration, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Spirit and Truth, sacrifice of praise, sacrificial praise, Godhead, Trinity, attributes of God, deity of Christ, dance, dancing, shout, shouting, thanks, thanksgiving, praising, BEC18Worship | #praise #adoration #God #JesusChrist #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #SpiritandTruth #Godhead #Trinity #deityofChrist #shout #shouting #thanks #thanksgiving #praising #BEC18Worship

Living By Faith    Lesson 3 in our FREE online course of Basic Elements Of Christianity (BEC)! | Read More
Published 250518 - Main Keywords: crucified with Christ, faithfulness, life of Christ, Son, Sonship, kenosis, grace, morphe, morphē, BEC18LBF | #crucifiedwithChrist #faithfulness #lifeofChrist #Son #Sonship #kenosis #grace #morphe #morphē #BEC18LBF

Who God Is    Lesson 2 in our FREE online course of Basic Elements Of Christianity (BEC)!    Read More
Published 190518 - Main Keywords: Trinity, Godhead, Elohim, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, eternal, infinite, time, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, immutable, timeless, everywhere present, all powerful, all knowing, BEC18WGI | #Trinity #Godhead #Elohim #Father #Son #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #eternal #infinite #time #omnipotent #omnipresent #omniscient #immutable #timeless #everywherepresent #allpowerful #allknowing #BEC18WGI

Primary Loyalty    ‭Lesson 1 in our FREE online course of Basic Elements Of Christianity (BEC)!    Read More
Published 110518 - Main Keywords: salvation, God, Jesus Christ, denominations, fellowships, teachers, human authority, relationships, ecumenicism, Babylon the Whore, The Whore of Revelation 17, Roman Catholic Church, Evangelicals, BEC18PL | #salvation #God #JesusChrist #denominations #fellowships #teachers #humanauthority #relationships #ecumenicism #BabylontheWhore #TheWhoreofRevelation17 #RomanCatholicChurch #Evangelicals #BEC18PL

Five Aspects Of A Godly Mother    Though only the Gospel of Luke mentions Elisabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, we can see a number of things from her life that we all should emulate.    Read More
Published 080518 - Main Keywords: Mothers Day, mothers, mother, Spirit filled, Holy Spirit, humble, humility, Elisabeth, Zacharias, John the Baptist, birth, society, pregnant, pregnancy, aged, barren,overflowing, godly, godliness, faithful, faithfulness, obey, obedient, trust, trusting, joy, joyous, MD180508 | #MothersDay #mothers #mother #Spiritfilled #HolySpirit #humble #humility #Elisabeth #Zacharias #JohntheBaptist #birth #society #pregnant #pregnancy #aged #barren #overflowing #godly #godliness #faithful #faithfulness #obey #obedient #trust #trusting #joy #joyous #MD180508

Requisites For, And Hindrances To, Divine Guidance    God desires to help and guide each one of us. Let us look at a number of things that will either help or hinder us from receiving God’s guidance.    Read More
Published 280418 - Main Keywords: faithfulness, obedience, meekness, willingness, Word of God, dependence, obedience, compassion, stubbornness, disobedience, rebellion, idolatry, witchcraft, inactivity, insincerity, selfishness, impatience, self-sufficiency, DG180428 | #faithfulness #obedience #meekness #willingness #WordofGod #dependence #obedience #compassion #stubbornness #disobedience #rebellion #idolatry #witchcraft #inactivity #insincerity #selfishness #impatience #self-sufficiency #DG180428

Additional Means Of Divine Guidance    God is certainly active in the lives of all, especially those who are receptive to Him. And while He has provided numerous means of divine guidance we must be aware of false guidance.    Read More
Published 200418 - Main Keywords: will of God, prophecies, Word of God, Holy Bible, visions, signs, deception, dreams, blood moons, personal integrity, conscience, angels, false prophets, false signs, DG180420 | #willofGod #prophecies #WordofGod #HolyBible #visions #signs #deception #dreams #bloodmoons #personalintegrity #conscience #angels #falseprophets #falsesigns #DG180420

Foundational Elements Of Divine Guidance - Topical - Psalm 119:89, Daniel 4:35b-e, John 3:8, Galatians 2:20e-j, 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 John 1:26-27    The Holy Bible has answers for those who sincerely want to know the will of God. Let us look at five major means of divine guidance.    Read More | Hear The Message
Published 150418 - Main Keywords:  Holy Bible, Word of God, Spirit led, discernment, divine providence, will of God, Holy Spirit, obedience, subordination, insubordination, The Assemblies Of God, AOG M497 | #HolyBible #WordofGod #Spiritled #discernment #divineprovidence #willofGod #HolySpirit #obedience #subordination #insubordination #The AssembliesOfGod #AOG #M497

Activated For God - Acts 9:10-17    Ananias of Damascus probably did not know what blessing to others his obedience to God would bring. Let us look into Acts 9 for encouragement for each disciple to be powerfully used by God.    Read More | Hear The Message
discipleship, divine guidance, visions, obedience, prayer, voice of God, ministry, disciple, disciples, discipled, vision, fellowship with God, service, servant, Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Ghost, tongues, witness, evangelize, evangelize M496 | #discipleship #divineguidance #visions #obedience #prayer #voiceofGod #ministry #disciple #disciples #discipled #vision #fellowshipwithGod #service #servant #Paul #filledwiththeHolySpirit #filledwiththeHolyGhost #tongues #witness #evangelize #evangelize #M496

Resurrection Riches Of The Godhead - Topical John 2:19-22, Romans 8:11, Romans10:9-10, Galatians 1:1    Many would probably give a short, correct answer to the question, “Who raised Jesus Christ from the dead?” A slightly more detailed report from the Holy Scriptures should warm one’s heart and engender great hope.    Read More | Hear The Message
Published 070418 - Main Keywords:  salvation, Father, fatherhood, Trinity, Godhead, rise, Son, subordination, rise, risen, power, authority, YHVH, M495 | #salvation #Father #fatherhood #Trinity #Godhead #rise #Son #subordination #rise #risen #power #authority #YHVH #M495 | #salvation #Father #fatherhood #Trinity #Godhead #rise #Son #subordination #rise #risen #power #authority #YHVH #M495

Realize Four Dynamics Of The Sacrifice Of Christ- Isaiah 50:4-7 From His conception to ascension there is powerful godly living in Christ. Let us look at an ancient prophecy that crystallizes this truth. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 240318 - Main Keywords:  meekness, discipleship, disciple, determination, perseverance, Holy Spirit led, dependence upon God, sacrifice, crucifixion, crucified, crucify, self-denial, deny self, deny one’s self, cross, prophecy, Christ, Messiah, M493 | #meekness #discipleship #disciple #determination #perseverance #dependence #sacrifice #crucifixion #crucified #crucify #self-denial #cross #prophecy #Christ #Messiah #M493

Live Empowered Unto Triumph - Romans 12:12 Satan wants no one to be triumphant, especially Christians. A verse in Romans 12 points to three things that will empower Christ’s disciple unto victory here and for eternity. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 110318 - Main Keywords:  mercy, rejoice, rejoicing, persevere, persevering, prayer, prayerfulness, strength, worship, praise, praying, pray, endure, endurance, empower, empowerment, M491 | #mercy #rejoice #rejoicing #persevere #persevering #prayer #prayerfulness #strength #worship #praise #praying #pray #endure #endurance #empower #empowerment #M491

Victory In Your Vessel - 2 Corinthians 4:6-15 The world can be cruel and offers no true eternal peace. However, a passage in 2 Corinthians reveals the rescue from God that can give anyone eternal victory. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 110318 - Main Keywords:  mercy, salvation, Jesus Christ, triumph, victory, trust, endure, endurance, persevere, perseverance, triumphant, spiritual troubleshooting, light, merciful, M490 | #mercy #salvation #Jesus Christ #triumph #victory #trust #endure #endurance #persevere #perseverance #triumphant #spiritualtroubleshooting #light #merciful #M490

Trust Blessing, Not Luck - Isaiah 65:8-12, 17-25 There was a time I really trusted in luck. Good thing that time is no more. Find out why from an ancient prophecy! Read More | Hear The Message
Published 031713 - Main Keywords:  providence, provision, fortune, protection, prevailing, prosperity, purpose, promise, predestined, predestination, luck, charms, superstition, M240 | #providence #provision #fortune #protection #prevailing #prosperity #purpose #promise #predestined #predestination #luck #charms #superstition #M240

Determine To Flourish Spiritually Now And Forever - Galatians 6:8 The decisions we make and the actions we take affect each of us spiritually. A single verse in Galatians presents us with a choice with earthly and eternal consequences. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 240218 - Main Keywords:  sowing and reaping, life, zoe, Holy Spirit, flesh, corruption, fruit of the Spirit, reap, sow, M489 | #sowing&reaping #life #zoe #HolySpirit #flesh #corruption #fruitoftheSpirit #reap #sow #M489

Resort To The Fortress Of God - Psalm 16:7-8 Though trouble abounds in this world many have found a refuge in God through Christ. Psalm 16 gives us insight into the powerful fortress God provides to those who trust Him. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 170218 - Main Keywords: worship, praise, secure, security, night, unmovable, trust, salvation, holiness, end times, night seasons, heart, Spirit led, M488 | #worship #praise #secure #security #night #unmovable #trust #salvation #holiness #endtimes #nightseasons #heart #Spiritled #M488

Just Following Jesus Is Not Enough - Mark 10:32, Luke 9:23 Over two billion people will tell you they are “Christian”, but most do not really live it (though they might think they do). Let us explore the very words of Christ to find the remedy. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 100218 - Main Keywords: deny, cross, follow, fear, trust, commitment, dedication, commit, committed, dedicate, dedicated, persecution, fearfulness, M487 | #deny #cross #follow #fear #trust #commitment #dedication #commit #committed #dedicate #dedicated #persecution #fearfulness #M487

Precious Principles Of The Peace Of God - Topical: Romans 5:1, Psalm 119:165, Isaiah 48:18, Philippians 4:6-7, Galatians 5:16-17, Galatians 5:22-25 From vacations, to religions, to drugs and so on, many look for peace in various ways, and any peace they find might not be lasting. What each of us need is the true peace of God. Let us see what the Holy Bible says about getting and keeping the true peace of God. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 030218 - Main Keywords: justified, righteousness, Word of God, law of God, thanksgiving, obedience, trust, justification, salvation, wrath of God, eternal damnation, assurance, endurance, calmness, meekness, grace, resurrection, Holy Bible, dependence, walk in the Spirit, M486 | #justified #righteousness #WordofGod #lawofGod #thanksgiving #obedience #trust #justification #salvation #wrathofGod #eternaldamnation #assurance #endurance #calmness #meekness #grace #resurrection #HolyBible #dependence #walkintheSpirit #M486

End The War - Romans 8:5-9 Far too many Christians are in a battle against God and they may not even be aware of it! Let us look into a passage in Romans to find out how to fix that situation or avoid it. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 260118 - Main Keywords: flesh, Spirit, carnal, Spirit of life in Christ, mind, enmity, peace, spiritual death, carnality, carnal thinking, mature Christians, immature Christians, carnal Christians, sarks, sarx, Romans, sin and death, M485 | #flesh #Spirit #carnal #SpiritoflifeinChrist #mind #enmity #peace #spiritualdeath #carnality #carnalthinking #matureChristians #immatureChristians #carnalChristians #sarks #sarx #Romans #sinanddeath #M485

Justice. Judgment. Jesus! - John 5:24-29 Most, if not all, would say that the world is not fair. However, rest assured that one day God will straighten everything out. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 190118 - Main Keywords: deity of Christ, humanity of Christ, salvation, judge, Savior, substitution, resurrection, Godhead, Trinity, YHVH, YHWH, punishment, penalty, Billy Graham, salvation, saved, exclusiveness of Christ, Son of Man, sons of men, Son of God, sons of God, Adam, Hitler, M484 | #deityofChrist #humanityofChrist #salvation #judge #Savior #substitution #resurrection #Godhead #Trinity #YHVH #YHWH #punishment #penalty #BillyGraham #salvation #saved #exclusivenessofChrist #SonofMan #sonsofmen #SonofGod #sonsofGod #Adam #Hitler #M484

Does It Have To Be Jesus? - 1 Timothy 6:16c-e Does It Have To Be Jesus? That was the question in my mind 48 years ago in January 1970. I knew there was a God. I looked into a number of religions, but I was not attracted to any because I wanted just God. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 050118 - Main Keywords: unapproachable light, dwelling, existence of God, accessible, holiness, inaccessible, pantheism, Roman Catholic, Catholicism, holy, pure, access, inability, logos, Elohim, Jehovah, YHVH, YHWH, M483 | #unapproachablelight #dwelling #existenceofGod #accessible #holiness #inaccessible #pantheism #RomanCatholic #Catholicism #RCC #holy #pure #access #inability #logos #Elohim #Jehovah #YHVH #YHWH #M483

Wise Ways Of Wise Men - Matthew 2:2 Given the circumstances their actions were expected. Respect should be given to the newborn King of the Jews. However, probably without knowing, the Wise Men also set a spiritual example for all to follow. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 281217 - Main Keywords: look, seek, leave, love, worship, Magi, incarnation, material goods, prestige, prophecy, power, world, worldly, keep, keeper, Daniel, prophesy, Messiah, Christ, Herod, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, proskuneo, deity of Christ, M482 | #look #seek #leave #love #worship #Magi #incarnation #materialgoods #prestige #prophecy #power #world #worldly #keep #keeper #Daniel #prophesy #Messiah #Christ #Herod #Jerusalem #Bethlehem #proskuneo #deityofChrist #M482

Prince Of Peace - Isaiah 9:6k Some feel like they have no peace while others feel very peaceful. Sadly, most do not have true peace. However, Isaiah 9:6 declares true peace is available. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 151217 - Main Keywords: Messiah, shalom, Christ, incarnation, Beast of Revelation, Daniel, millennial reign, Antichrist, Jerusalem, Trump, Muslims, Arabs, United Nations, UN, M481 | #Messiah #shalom #Christ #incarnation #BeastofRevelation #Daniel #millennialreign #Antichrist #Jerusalem #Trump #Muslims #Arabs #United Nations #UN #M481

Four Dimensions Of Faith - Luke 5:18-20a The Holy Bible is clear about what real, God-glorifying faith is. It is more than just thinking. Often it is acting with perseverance as the friends of a certain sick man did as recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 180115 - Main Keywords: faith, determination, perseverance, love, trust, diligence, M348 | #faith #determination #perseverance #love #trust #diligence #M348

Seeing Men As Walking Trees - Mark 8:22-25 I had never considered Mark 8:22-25 as prophetic, until now, thanks to God’s providence. Read More | Hear The Message
Published 101113 - Main Keywords: blind, blurred, blur, blessed, focus, see, sight, out of focus, Caesar, governmental influence on the Church, church, prophecy, prophetic, M283 | #blind #blurred #blur #blessed #focus #see #sight #outoffocus #Caesar #governmentalinfluenceontheChurch #church #prophecy #prophetic #M283

Keepers Will Be Kept By The Keeper - Revelation 3:8d-f & 10 Aside from the church of Smyrna, only one church of the churches mentioned in The Revelation receives no rebuke from Jesus. We can discover how to fit into that category from Jesus’ address to the church at Philadelphia. Read More | Hear The Message
Main Keywords: church of Philadelphia, Great Tribulation, rapture, wrath of God, Word of God, patience, perseverance, little strength, mustard seed, stone cut without hands, despised, ignored, M476 | #churchofPhiladelphia #GreatTribulation #rapture #wrathofGod #WordofGod #patience #perseverance #littlestrength #mustardseed #stonecutwithouthands #despised #ignored #M476

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